Denise Varano
How to Install a Mailbox
What It’s Like Working for USPS During the Holidays
The Million Mile Award: Honoring Exceptional USPS Drivers
USPS Letter Carrier Helps Customer Escape Fire
Como Enviar Paquetes al Caribe: Consejos y Tips | USPS
How to Ship a Package: Everything You Need to Know
USPS Forever Corsage & Boutonniere stamps celebrate special occasions
USPS Employee Shares the Most Common Postal Abbreviations
New USPS® President’s Day Stamp Honors John F. Kennedy
I began my postal career in 1988 as a distribution clerk in central Michigan and became a headquarters employee for the Northeast in 1993. From editor to PR specialist to social media, I have helped educate on postal ways through hard copy and digital publications, news media relations, and photography by writing, editing, tweeting and publishing.
Like pliable Gumby, I’ve covered the gamut — created content for press releases, media advisories, ezines and social media posts. I’ve assisted in public relations for both internal and external audiences throughout the Northeast. And though you probably never thought of it — that includes issuing tweets and press releases when we have to close blue collection boxes for NYC parades.