Applying for a Postal Service Job
The Postal Service Social Business Intelligence staff listens to the overall conversation about USPS. In response to some of the traffic we have seen on our corporate social media accounts, we’ve partnered with our colleagues in Human Resources to answer your work-related questions. Most of these questions come from job applicants.
How much does it cost to take a Postal Service exam?
USPS never charges a fee for employment information or exams.
What about websites that charge a fee, are they legitimate?
No. They are likely not legitimate. If you see this, please report it to the United States Postal Inspection Service.
Where can I apply for a Postal Service job?
There is only one place to apply for a job with the Postal Service. Look under “Search Jobs” for open job announcements.
When are jobs posted?
Check every week to see if additional jobs have been posted. Jobs usually are posted for five days.
Will I have to take an exam?
Not every job involves an exam. If an exam is required, you will be notified after you apply.
How do I study for an exam?
We provide test prep materials for free. If there is an exam/assessment, we will provide an assessment information package at no charge to familiarize you with the exam/assessment.
How to check the status of my application?
To check the status of your application or applications, login to your account and select the “Job Opportunities Tab.” The “My Applications” link will appear in the navigation bar. This will provide a list of your applications and their statuses.
How will I hear from you?
Monitor your email closely. USPS communicates via email throughout the hiring process. Be sure to check your junk mail folder.
When will I hear from you?
It is difficult to provide an exact time frame for hiring because of the different steps in the application process for various jobs. Again, please monitor your email closely for communications from us regarding the application and hiring process.
Who is going to contact me?
General Information Services is the vendor used by USPS to conduct pre-employment screenings. Any email you receive from uspscs@geninfo.com is legitimate and you should respond in a timely manner. You may also be contacted by postal personnel. Their email address will always end with usps.gov.
What do I do if I’m having trouble with the website?
If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the website, contact uspstechsupport@psionline.com. This email is only for technical difficulties with the website. They cannot assist with other issues.
Whom do I contact if I’m having trouble taking the exam?
If you are trying to take the exam and are encountering technical difficulties, contact ExamAdmin@usps.gov. This email is only for those having difficulties taking the test. They cannot assist with other issues.
Whom do I contact if I have a question about the job?
If you have questions about a particular position, contact the person listed in the job description. Keep a copy for your records because the job description will be removed from the website as soon as the position closes.
What you should know but didn’t ask:
When filling out the application, speak directly and specifically to each job requirement.
Demonstrate your abilities with an example, quantifying your work and achievements wherever possible. For example, telling us “You should hire me (for this social media position) because I am a millennial and I grew up using social media” isn’t very helpful. Such a statement tells us who you are, but not what you can do. A better approach would be to describe the scope of your work and what you accomplished. For example: “I managed a social media account with XX followers, increasing engagement by XX%.”
The STAR format — situation, task, action and result — is a good approach to take when answering questions.
Good luck!
Mary Beth Levin, Manager, Social Media Strategy and Analytics, USPS