Make a Connection with your Local Postmaster
For more than two centuries, Postmasters have played a central role in every community across the nation. And today, as business evolves, they continue to be a trusted part of the business landscape in small towns and big cities nationwide.
The Postal Service is an organization with a culture that prides itself on providing outstanding service to the American public and its more than 13,000 Postmasters are the ones on the frontline leading those efforts.
Today’s Postmasters are highly skilled in providing solutions to some of the most complex logistical and marketing challenges that plague small business owners. They are expert business consultants with the right tools and knowledge to help grow your business while benefiting from a powerful network dedicated to delivering for businesses.
During the month of August we are focusing on connecting our Postmasters with local businesses. As a business owner, we encourage you to take the time and get to know the team that works in your local Post Office – and especially the Postmaster himself. You can visit Postmaster Finder online for the names, by state and town, of every Postmaster.
There’s no better time than now to meet with your Postmaster to review your current shipping and direct marketing programs. You may be pleasantly surprised with options to help improve your bottom line by lowering your shipping costs and gaining valuable new business from additional customers.
Did your growing e-commerce business just receive its first international order? Wonder how to get a special daily pickup at your office so that your Ship-From-Store program can succeed? Stop by your local Post Office and request to meet the Postmaster. He or she will be able to give you guidance and insights to address these challenges and a myriad of other international and domestic mailing and shipping issues.
Need marketing advice on how to acquire new customers? Consult with the Postmaster and let them show you how to launch an effective direct mail campaign with the goal of customer acquisition.
One reason why Postmasters are such a highly regarded part of their local communities is because they truly enjoy partnering with local businesses. They understand that the success of the Postal Service comes from helping every business grow and succeed. Do your business a favor and connect with your local Postmaster today.